Wednesday, August 20, 2008


finally, econs & chem tests are over.

these two stupid tests drove me crazy. actually, it's not really the tests' problem. i've been worrying & worrying & worrying over jap exam. it's jap prelim exam next week. same day as the J2 prelim GP paper. it's my love, i mean jap. but yet, i'm still unable to do well in it. smtimes i tell myself tht if i love the subj i will do well, but smhw, my results do not reflect that.

yknow, i know it's super exaggerating. but this subj, just this subj can make me go into depression. i'll jst have to work hard for it. i'm really tired.

took a cab this morning cause i was too tired. gonna save from today onwards. spent $13 on cab fare and $1.70 in school today. for the next few days i aim not to spend a single cent, i promise.

& i realised how "responsible" some people are. jc's a time to observe and learn, at least to me.

- & i feel alone. i need a hug. tell me everything's okay.

Friday, August 8, 2008

finally finally, connect singapore is OVER.
i'm really tired&all. nonetheless, i think i've learnt a great deal from this. there's a lot a lot that all of us have learnt and gained. i cried after the event but it's jst my natural reaction. it was a lot of time spent on this on my side, so any normal person will feel that way but it's okay i suppose i'm fine now.

i have to thank phs teachers in charge, ms chung and ms kumari. without their help, nothing could have worked out. also aps teachers for all their unstding.

most imptly, my team:
hanyi, elin, jaspang, kailing, wilson, ciyi, patrick, saravanan, kaye, cindy, huimin, sushuen, sylvester, varian, benedict&changhong.

to all these people, i apologise if at anytime during the process i made you all very confused and all, &like my instructions were not clear smtimes. think i shouted over the phone quite a lot of times tdy, but hope all of you unstd. thanks for all of your help.. i rly rly appreciate everything.

jst a few photos: on wednesday, feeling fab! baked banana muffins& made tiramisu : )

&on thursday, received a bottle of mogumogu from youngmin-san. thanks my dear : )

on thursday too. haha fawn's farting domo-kun. haha it looks so cute : )

& the all-so-niceeeeeeee gelare that izz&jingyang had at ps tdy after connectsing.

this pretttyyy doraemon electric guitar that we saw at peninsula plaza.. $880/= seriously, it was really cute and unique..

i'm not in much of a mood to blog today..

but anyw, i'm happy cause i bought stuff for my pretty seniors : ) haha. it's so weird when i feel happy to spend money on others while feel stingy when i have to spend money on myself. mmhmm.

okay, i'm not gonna be angsty anymore. mugging starts tmrw officially. all the best everyone!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

: )

i find this collage really nice :D happy memories :D

yayy. going to bed now. nights.

okay, i just finished my bio eassessment. rawr. had 14, then 19 (STUPID CARELESS MISTAKE) followed by 20. okay laaa at least i managed to get a 20 in the end :D

anyw, LOOK AT THE PRETTTTYYY phone up there! GOODNESS ME. the new w980 sony ericsson walkman phone! i was walking around amk hub ystd & i sawwww that! omgg and i saw someone buying it. newly released on 2nd august, but only exclusive to singtel. TSK. WHAT IS THIS MAN. HELLO STARHUB, DO SOMETHING. URGHH. anyw, i really needa get a new phone. but my 6120c brings me loads of memories thou :( :( i'm not gna trade it in so it's hokayy!

or shld i get this? w890i. it's actually good enough for me i suppose.

it's so sleek and quite high class smhw! i wanted to get the w880i last time alrdy. so might as well just get the improved version, wht do you guys think?

sighs. okay.

anyw, i'm still waiting for the updated schedule of PHS for connectsing.. but til now, no news. i'm really getting scared. it makes me feel like a loser. as in the whole programme. it's sometimes so confusing that makes me think twice if i actually make a good in-charge. i've NEVER felt so screwed with projects before. maybe tht's the reason why i've always been emoing. but tht's not all laa. many contributing factors. one major one thou. til now, i've not yet settled that. i dnt know whyy i'm freaking worried about connectsing. i really dnt know why. enlighten me people.

was very emo ystd. sighs. i need extra comfort. & shaun got angry with me cause i never buy him chocolates. wht.. shall get for him after natl day.. kids get angry at the smallest things. but i wish i were them smtimes. so carefree & all :(

everybody in my fam's still ZZZ while i'm up studying & trying to get stuffs right. wht shld i do next? study jap. yes, i shld. prelim's in 3 weeks time. oh and guys, remember, guitar assessment on 4th! which is tmrw laa, duhh. i needa practise later as well. all the best dudes : )

Friday, August 1, 2008

i'm suddenly very sleepy. alright, that's not the point. haha. just came back from thomson medical after visiting mtiennnn. that girl ah. has fever AGAIN. so her mum thought of an alternative method. she's so gonna eat the fever medicine that i ate the other time. i'm sure she'll recover! : ) anyw, i had quite a fun them there joking around with her and her mum : )

back to this morning. ohmyy. i actually missed my stop. YKNOW, NOBODY FROM VJ TRIED WAKING ME UP?! when there were like VJ people on the bus?! like wth. anyw, that's not the worst. i came down the double deck & asked the uncle where VJ was & he told me i missed the stop. so nevermind. i went to the bus stop and the moment i saw 31 i took it without realising that it was heading towards the WRONG DIRECTION. so smart. did you know how i realised that it was travelling in the wrong direction? i saw a lot of TJ people & i was like,"why are T people travelling in the VJ direction?!" i got off the bus & decided to ask jaspang for help. sighs. in the end had to cross the overhead bridge and take another bus back to vj. rawr.

tdy was a fine day i suppose. suddenly very into my work. after schl i actually STUDIED with estee in V21. amazingly..

just a short update here. gotta go bathe now & start rotting. tmrw there's connect sing training in schl & CDAC. busy day ahead. bye !