Monday, July 7, 2008

updates !!

just a short update here : )
4-6 july - ILTC!
nice exco pic : ) but my fellow pd's not here tho' : (
6 july - sleepover at mtien's.
after ILTC i was superbly shag. went back home and slept from 4-10pm and decided to go over to tien's house after that haha. and they actually came to fetch me at novena : )
7 july - SENTOSAAAAA with mtien, estee, peiting, mons, jasmine and lays! was ultra fun! played like violent ball/frisbee RUGBY and we were so high til i think some people think we're like a bunch of mad girls. haha.
nice pic here : )
-i'm afraid i'll fall back in again.