Friday, August 1, 2008

i'm suddenly very sleepy. alright, that's not the point. haha. just came back from thomson medical after visiting mtiennnn. that girl ah. has fever AGAIN. so her mum thought of an alternative method. she's so gonna eat the fever medicine that i ate the other time. i'm sure she'll recover! : ) anyw, i had quite a fun them there joking around with her and her mum : )

back to this morning. ohmyy. i actually missed my stop. YKNOW, NOBODY FROM VJ TRIED WAKING ME UP?! when there were like VJ people on the bus?! like wth. anyw, that's not the worst. i came down the double deck & asked the uncle where VJ was & he told me i missed the stop. so nevermind. i went to the bus stop and the moment i saw 31 i took it without realising that it was heading towards the WRONG DIRECTION. so smart. did you know how i realised that it was travelling in the wrong direction? i saw a lot of TJ people & i was like,"why are T people travelling in the VJ direction?!" i got off the bus & decided to ask jaspang for help. sighs. in the end had to cross the overhead bridge and take another bus back to vj. rawr.

tdy was a fine day i suppose. suddenly very into my work. after schl i actually STUDIED with estee in V21. amazingly..

just a short update here. gotta go bathe now & start rotting. tmrw there's connect sing training in schl & CDAC. busy day ahead. bye !