Thursday, July 10, 2008

HELLLOSSSS EVERYONE. okay, i'm happy tdy! just finished my jap CA2. and HOPEFULLY, i can pass la huhh. today was such a crap day : ) woke up at 8+ cause i dreamt that i received a message and i really did! i received 2 to be exact. and SOMEONE refuseddd to believe me that i really dreamt that! as usual, ate my breakfast and started logging in.. and the first lesson was math online. i was amused cause this was the first HIGH TECH e-learning session that i ever had. ohmyy. and then was bio and chem. bio was productive! and chem, i was laughing throughout the lesson ! (looks at jaspang) it was amazingly AMUSING. HAHAHA. anyway, most of the time i was trying to cram jap into my small little shell up there :\
time passed damn fast tdy. it was like, 3.40 when i last saw the time. and i fell asleep : and woke up at 4.22. went to bathe and everything and i reached the bus stop at 4.40. was freakinggg fast. and know what, i reached bishan at 4.58. i was quite shocked. less than 20 minutes from my bus stop to bishan ?!
yeah, had the test and tadaaa i'm home. and i found this damn obscene photo of myself in mons photobucket! i shall show! HAHAHA.

tsktsktsk. i never knew mons secretly admires me. right. just kidding : )
i'm miss sentosa trip everybody! when shall we go again? : )