Sunday, June 29, 2008


i shall wait til i've got all the nice japan trip photos '08 before i post them : )

ANYW, I WAS LOOKING THROUGH MY JAPAN PHOTOS (the hamamatsu trip in '06) and I WAS FREAKED OUT. I WONDER WHO THAT PERSON IS?! and then i realise that she is my twin sister : )
but sadly, SHE.. DISAPPEARED to wth knows where. BUT i dnt really care tho' cause i would rather never ever see her again :D tht sounds totally mean, but who cares? HAHAHA.
okayy, it's damn crap. but anyway it was me la, when i was in sec three? i was DAMNNNN freaked out when i saw this FREAKKKYYYY photo and immediately i put on my running shoes and went running. AT LEASTTTT 4km k! haha.
SUPPORT HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ! HAPPY ! who wanna join LYNN'S FITNESS CLUB? you're free to register with me BWAAAHAHAHAS.

Friday, June 27, 2008


been a slacking and rotting day today at ST's house with cheryl. i think i spent most of my time sleeping thou. haha

stayed at home until 1 to edit photos hoping to print them for memory's sake but in the end i cannot print it due to some funny reasons which i don't know wht :| rawr rawr.

on the way home i actually told cheryl about 2 types of guys that exist in this world haha. i think it'll be really interesting if she gets a partner! haha. cheryl! must tell me first alright!

and tdy i felt sad and happy at the same time. sad cause i almost lose my thumbdrive which contains my world possessions and happy cause i actually chatted with ONGWENSHINNNN! haha found out some interesting stuff about her. about guys and stuff. one day we should really sit down and talk overnight. i've got stuff to tell you bestie. haha. happy cause i'm talking to mtien right now too. i sudd feel happier than usual :D

-hey you, just tell me

Thursday, June 26, 2008


crap. seriously, i screwed all. i studied!!! not like i didn't but i still screwed. i guessed like 95% of the mcqs tdy. 95/100 X 25 = ? OH NO. i don't feel like calculating.

anyw, went k-boxing tdy with wu and pang! HAHA. omg. we got ourselves all so emotional and stuff. thanks to my liao2 jie3. i bet you guys were mesmerized by my singing :) i feel like posting pang's CANDID VIDEO OF HER SINGING. but i don't think i shld la huhh. in case i get bashed up by her.. (scary..) but IF U WANNA CATCH JASPANG SINGING, COME FIND ME.

fallforyou. secondhandserenade.

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

Friday, June 20, 2008

update on mon's bday !

before the barbeque!

that's us playing twister!!!! it was damn funny. those awkward positions.. (stares at estee, lays and ben RWAR)

that's estee on the right feeling DERANGED that peiting's tgth with me now and mon's getting all so jealous cause she was MINE before peiting. HAHAHA.

yknow, i have no idea what we were trying to do haha.

me and mon's classmate! who always volunteer to take photos for us! yay thank you!

another picture of me and my CURRENT. SO FUNNY!

again her. haha. let me tell you, dear pt was mistaken as my Girlf last year during CSS audition! my new made friend from IJ tp actually asked me,"hey, is she your girlfriend?" OMG. i stared at her o.O


HAHAHA. there you go again :)

oh man. there's smth stuck in our mouths. haha


finally, it's cake-cutting time! my dear mon's SO CUTE!

and yeah! me and the birthday girl :) abit she had a forfeit cause she lost twister. and her classmates made her kiss someone. and my cheeks were sacrificed HAHAHA. just joking mons!

can you see what we were trying to form? L.O.Y.A.L.T.Y !

yay group photo!

i find this picture really cute haha :)

peiting FINALLY finished uploading the photos and there they are! went studying in SN with mons, jasmine, lays, pt and estee tdy. had SOOOOOO much fun and laughter. seriously, haven't laughed so much for quite some time. have to thank mons. cause somehow i just kept laughing cause of stupid stuff that she did! was supposed to go for co bbq but was freakin stressed up just now and only 2 red badges goin' so i decided to give it a miss ): sighs.

was a great day!

-i wanna grow old with you

Thursday, June 19, 2008

School's reopening

been a tiring day today. studying from like 9am til 645pm at national lib. dozing off every half an hour. time flew tdy... i didn't study much tho'. did jap for the whole day although jap CA's in july. hmms but who asks me to love jap so much!

anyway, i think i'm super pig tdy. came home and binged on chips, chocolates and mom bought the durian pancake thingo and i ate tt also. after studying i went to buy old chang kee and ate pokky. ): sadness. anyw, ate this prune thingo that vivian gave me this morning. super funny haha. then ate sushi for lunch. actually i requested for soya milk only but nice nice fawn says she wants to stuff me with food. so she bought SUSHI. unagi somemore. haha thanks roomie! :)

i'm gna go pray early in the morning tmrw before studying. haha i sudd feel like praying cause i need the assurance. two days ago, emo like mad. now, i just need assurance. school's starting soon and thou i think i studied, i feel empty.

jiayou everyone. all the way!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


hey estee, i hate the feeling of being lost : (

Sunday, June 15, 2008



LYNN'S BACK FROM CAMP EMERGE'08! 14/6-15/06. it was the most meaningful camp ever, being able to take care of so many kids and the kids are real cute i shld say! moreover, FRANCE WONNNNN!!!! HAPPY!!
14/6 Preparing and getting ready to set off!

let me intro my mentee :) he's SHAUN :)

yayy! we reached :)

got into our icebreaking groups :) and here's our darling athena and wenting!

and we see jinhan, chengyi, mengsoon, bryan, brandon and christopher (left to right)

look at what our dear boy brandon is doing! haha colouring the FRANCE flag!

and the two girls wilingly carrying my bag my me haha. so cute!

there! our dorm! 've been here before so nothing much :)

LOOK AT HER! doesn't she look very JAP!!!? *stares at her hair* haha.

LUNCH TIME :) but the poor me had to take vegetarian cause of my SPECIAL DIET.

games time! the games felt like some typical orientation games but we enjoyed it thoroughly! definitely!

this was the first game! captain's ball with balloon filled with H2O ! it was super heavy and it was super amusing looking at the kids play! haha.

i'm really happy. when we were playing the games it seemed as though we were rather slow and weak in our cheers but nevertheless the kids tried their very best and it was really a feeling of great satisfaction when we know that we were champions :) there was this specific game that left a very lasting impression on me. we were suppose to fill up a bottle of water to a specific mark using a cloth. meaning dipping a piece of cloth into water and it will be passed through everyone and last, the bottle. we're supposed to squeeze the water into the tiny opening of the bottle. it was very difficult at first but somebody thought of a very smart idea which is using a blade of leaf, fold it into a funnel like thing and use it. increased surface area to volume ratio i guess :) everyone was soooo co-operative during this game. it was then i realised how great teamwork we had. everyone was trying their best to get every single drop into that bottle. we managed to fill to the mark in the end although it seemed impossible at first. totally cool.

i'm definitely gna be part of CDAC childrens' camp again next year. it's a great feeling being a volunteer. to those out there, when you do something for others, you bring smiles to others :) be a volunteer today! :)


my life's not that bad afterall :)

Friday, June 13, 2008


just ate my guilinggao :) yumyum :) and i have a good news (for myself)! WHEEE! have got a gooooood price for baileys :) have to thank my mom :D

met gem at 1230pm and we took neoprints! seriously, i think we lost touch with taking neos cause we totally screwed up but surprisingly they look not too bad!!

look, i think i have artistic talent! :D been ages since i took neos with my gem! :D hoho, then after that we went ESCAPE. and i think escape's really bad now. it's real lousy i shld say. we took the flipper ride thrice in a row cause no one was there. plus, my favourite banana boat ride and the 360 degrees spin were OUT OF ORDER?! rawr. anyw, we took the cadbury inverter and gem tan was super funny! i kept laughing throughout the ride though it was SUPPOSED to be scary.

my upgrading bananaboat :( sadness.

and this was the one that we took thrice in a row!

while waiting for pirate ship...

OH this was the ferris wheel that we took for free! was supposedly $6.50 but these 2 aunties here used the coupon that was sent to every household! to be honest, without the coupon, it's totally not worth $6.50. but nevertheless! we had fun! she's 16 this year and yeah! we got on to the 16th balloon! :)

on the balloon! i think it looks more like a bird-cage :\
decided to roam around the place and we saw smth real cute!!!

guess what this is!

OHMYGAWD. don't you think this is real cute!! mini bowling for cute-sey people!! the ball's like 1/4 the size of the real bowling ball! the boy was really cute when he bowled! but smhow, we were more interested in these machines:

spent 4 bucks here! played the photo thingo! the one which we're suppose to spot the differences between 2 photos? yknow? and i think they're totally sick. like 90% of the time we were given sexy photos of weird womannn.

and yeah we decided to go to terminal 3 for dinner :) cause gem tan hasn't been there before :)
she told me smth really funny today and anyw i expected it before so it's not that unexpected. HAHA. less than 2 hours more to her 16th birthday!

alright, i guess i have to go now. bathe and start packing for my cdac camp tmrw! i hope the kids will enjoy themselves totally! don't miss me everyone! :)

-i promise i will try it one day


RAWR. i think i suck as a friend. i sudd remember that i forgot to wish my bestie happy birthday!? wanted to wish her like so long ago but drag drag drag and i forgot about it?! oh gosh. tell me i suck.

:\ it's alright, hope you unstd shin!



gonna go bathe now and meet my dearestttt sis! pre-celebrate her birthday which is tmrw @ ESCAPE. those reading this now, remember to leave her a text saying happy birthday! (i don't know why i'm thinkin' of estee wu while typing this!) Haha.

update tonight!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


should i go to the library later? dear jaspang just told me that she's going.



so i went in the end. met her at around 11am and started to mugggg. i think i'm failing bio, definitely, looking at the amount of stuff that i have to memorise. and RAWR spent super long at this stupid and IRRITATING redox question. haha and jaspang said smth very funny, "hey i'm feeling hungry, does that mean i'm thinking a lot? *grins*" hahaha i told her that we burn more calories when we think so that made her think that she thought a lot that's why she felt hungry =.=" hahaha so innocent hahaha.

left at 6+ and met mommy on the way. actually wanted to meet ongong at macs to study but mommy wants me to stay home to accompany her. so i'm back home. life's mundane. i need to find something interesting to do! ohoh! i went to check out the price of Baileys! it's like $65.12. i'm brokeeeee. no money to buy :\ but i must get it. mom gonna check out the price from the supplier for me! i love you mommy! :)

hide, but it's not working

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unproductive day

it's a really unproductive day tdy. if i had studied since morning 9am at the study lounge, i could have been a little more productive. but thanks to all the travelling to school and back to the library, i wasn't in the mood to study properly :( syamil, all your fault :( haha.

met jaspang at Han's this morning and met up with yurui! been ages since i've seen her. seeing her makes me think of everyone else yet again. went school after that for interact meeting and we've decided to REBRANDDDD interact! i'm sure it'll soon become a cca that noone would wanna miss!
jaspang and sheena were talking about their friend, whom i think is anorexic. i've read a lot and i think anorexic people really need someone whom they trust a lot to care for them. try talking to them and make them feel that you ARE really their friend. it's curable, but it takes a lot of time. it's not easy telling themselves to stop being ano. it's not smth that can be controlled. they just feel guilty when they eat. and after eating, their minds are just filled with guilt. try to unstd them and don't ever force them. i believe one day, their friend will recover :)

i'm keeping a secret to myself. noone knows. those who think they know, they don't know. and those who don't know, they will ne'er know. hahaha.

i miss you girls.

my best 17th birthday celeb :)