Thursday, June 12, 2008


should i go to the library later? dear jaspang just told me that she's going.



so i went in the end. met her at around 11am and started to mugggg. i think i'm failing bio, definitely, looking at the amount of stuff that i have to memorise. and RAWR spent super long at this stupid and IRRITATING redox question. haha and jaspang said smth very funny, "hey i'm feeling hungry, does that mean i'm thinking a lot? *grins*" hahaha i told her that we burn more calories when we think so that made her think that she thought a lot that's why she felt hungry =.=" hahaha so innocent hahaha.

left at 6+ and met mommy on the way. actually wanted to meet ongong at macs to study but mommy wants me to stay home to accompany her. so i'm back home. life's mundane. i need to find something interesting to do! ohoh! i went to check out the price of Baileys! it's like $65.12. i'm brokeeeee. no money to buy :\ but i must get it. mom gonna check out the price from the supplier for me! i love you mommy! :)

hide, but it's not working