Friday, June 20, 2008

update on mon's bday !

before the barbeque!

that's us playing twister!!!! it was damn funny. those awkward positions.. (stares at estee, lays and ben RWAR)

that's estee on the right feeling DERANGED that peiting's tgth with me now and mon's getting all so jealous cause she was MINE before peiting. HAHAHA.

yknow, i have no idea what we were trying to do haha.

me and mon's classmate! who always volunteer to take photos for us! yay thank you!

another picture of me and my CURRENT. SO FUNNY!

again her. haha. let me tell you, dear pt was mistaken as my Girlf last year during CSS audition! my new made friend from IJ tp actually asked me,"hey, is she your girlfriend?" OMG. i stared at her o.O


HAHAHA. there you go again :)

oh man. there's smth stuck in our mouths. haha


finally, it's cake-cutting time! my dear mon's SO CUTE!

and yeah! me and the birthday girl :) abit she had a forfeit cause she lost twister. and her classmates made her kiss someone. and my cheeks were sacrificed HAHAHA. just joking mons!

can you see what we were trying to form? L.O.Y.A.L.T.Y !

yay group photo!

i find this picture really cute haha :)

peiting FINALLY finished uploading the photos and there they are! went studying in SN with mons, jasmine, lays, pt and estee tdy. had SOOOOOO much fun and laughter. seriously, haven't laughed so much for quite some time. have to thank mons. cause somehow i just kept laughing cause of stupid stuff that she did! was supposed to go for co bbq but was freakin stressed up just now and only 2 red badges goin' so i decided to give it a miss ): sighs.

was a great day!

-i wanna grow old with you