Saturday, October 11, 2008


i'm like feelin' so relaxed and all right now. it's all-so-different as compared to that freakin' week before promos. but i've gta work hard for comm serve and jap, rlly. think i took at least 3 hours researching on the jap scholarships and whtever that has got smt to do with japan.

i've decided to try out for JLPT 2 this year, EJU Examination and JLPT 1 next year. hopefully with my JLPT 2 results and H1 results i'll be able to apply for the jap govt scholarship in march next year. i've been wanting to do nutrition since last year and was quite certain that i'll take it. but, i was thinkin' through ystd and i thought chem's rly impt in nutrition. and i dnt know why, i sorta gave up on this "dream" of mine cause my chem simply, to put it crudely, sucks ttm. maybe i shld change my ideal course. definitely, it HAS got to do with jap. maybe i'll take tourism in japan? or smt related to social sciences. nth to do with bio and chem and math. i'll gladly take it up.

ohwells, enough of me blabbering about my future plans. went CDAC today. it was soooooo quiet today.. only shaun, yixuan, doreen and yizhen came cause the rest already had their end of year exams. SHAUN'S SUPER LAZYYYYY ohmyy. he just anyhow guessed all the answers for his math mock paper. grrrr but managed to get him to do it properly in the end. tht's quite lucky for MEEEE. haha.

went to meet gem for dinner after that. been ages since i met her for a meal. probably months? can't rmb the last time. dang. haha but ohwells, had a great time with her today : ) ate yoshi & walked around bugis. cant rmbr the last time we went there tgt too. haha nostalgic.

a photo took after the moon turned DARK blue.

girl's gna take her o's in 8 days & everything's ending in 33 days. everyth just flies. before we know it, everyth's over. just realised i made use of a lot of "everything". -laughs.

gna teach my cousiee tmrw. poor primary 1 has got his exams on monday. his darling jiejie will offer her help to the pretty boy tmrw. see you wei : ) oh but before that i've gt to buy my unicom jap listening book! ohmy.. $58.00?! bye to my monnnneeehhh.

-why? it hurts.