i had sucha tiring day today. as usual lessons were on, then after that had to help out at the science carnival. there were 2 sessions & after the first one i was smhow really tired. but had to carry on with the second workshop.
so we left at ard 5.30? went to grab some food and tada, i dnt know why i reached home at 7.30. which was quite late considering that i took two whole hours to get home. the moment i reached home, i reached for my comp ALTHOUGH I FORESEE like, TRAUMA for myselffff. & indeed, i was right. spent TWO HOURS replying emails, messaging, calling & all.
ahh forget it, let's talk abt ystd instead, i'll feel much happier!
so happy looking right! was shiok ttm! and the rum&raisin's another one, super strong. cher said my face was red but NO, hello i was perfectly UNdrunk. haha and we played TABOO. oops i didnt know to play but now i know alright, DNT LAUGH. haha.
alright, the stressed and emo kia's gonna go to bed. i want some motivation. who would give it to me? :)
-i dnt want anymore mindgames.