Sunday, July 13, 2008


ystd was so damn damn fun : )

was such an excitinggg day : ) i just dnt know how to describe my happiness, seriously. but before anything else,

back to topic. alright, went for tea ceremony in the morning with jaspang, youngmin and siyuan. haha. it was such an interesting ceremony!! was laughing throughout the whole session!

tht's our group photo after the ceremony. like 80% made up of RGS girls. haha.

it ended super early. was suppose to end at 12 but smhow, it ended before 11am. so we rot and rot til my dad came to fetch pang and me to bugis. left for cca after that at payalebar. ystd was hectic. rushing here and there. smhow everybody LOVES 12th july. everything falls on tht day. wth. haha. wht's excitinggg was after SHG. pang decided not to go for farewell just before farewell but the niceee her decided to accompany me to PP : ) but in the end i bought nothing there : \

yay and i left there for school. by then i was perspiring like sm mad dogg. luckily LT2 was quite cold so i managed to chill out a little. practised my song item with steph and yinhong : ) thanks girls! you all made the song superbly nice : ) anyw, ystd's attendance was like, 90% seniors + 10% juniors. okay maybe that was too exaggerated. mmhmm. 80% seniors + 20% juniors. tht's more like it. but nevertheless! we had SOOOO much fun : )

after the performance and all, went concourse for the sherpherd's pie (not sure the spelling, oops!). but i ate nth! was busy preparing the cake outside guitar room. haha. and yay finally, they played the birthday song for the two birthday princesses : ) and i got the cake out! so fun : ) took so many pictures ystd : )

let's take a look at the "before" picture of the beautiful "Chocolate Romance"

look at da presents that i gave my birthday roomie! : )

and the shirts tht i gave darling jenny and skip!

there's my shuijingbaobao and the 18th year old!

the cake kissed me, right tong?
then, the "AFTERRRRRR" of the PRETTY cake, HAHAHA.

it melted allllll overrrr the concourse table! but no worries, we cleaned it up alrdy, just not sure if there's like chocolate smell there. oops ! anyws i felt so bad cause we were throwing cakes around when they were performing! :/ sorry sorry. i shall show how dirty we were ystd when i get the photo from fawn. SHE STUFFED CAKE INTO CRYSTAL'S AND MY NOSTRILS. RAWR. and crystal was like,"ohmyy we have to dig it to clean it!" HAHAHA. was basically fun ystd : ) i thought i got a little high at night. HEHHEHEHE. (stares at jenny, crys and fawn)